Monday, July 25, 2016

Notepad++ Tips

Changing Font Size in  Notepad++
Notepad++ is a very nice editor for use on a Windows computer.  I have it on a number of machines.  For some reason, on one of my machines, the text font was too small.  It was easy to find on the internet that I could change the font size with Settings > Style Configurator.  However, the font size did not change.  Here is the trick:  if you decide to change the global font, you will also need to check the "Enable global font" and "Enable global font size" check boxes.

I found that advice here.

White Space
I described in the past how to have good visibility and good control over white space.  Now I want to tip you off to a side-effect of updating Notepad++ to a new version:  A new version of Notepad++ wipes out your white space setting.  You will end up with tabs again for the automatic indents, which can break code. So, when you update to a newer version, check the white space settings and fix them in necessary.


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