Say you want to check a file called for syntax errors. The trick is that importing a python module compiles that module, and the compilation finds all the syntax errors. Here is what you do: write a program called that looks like this:
import my_python_program
print "***************"
print "finished test"
print "***************"Run this program and the first syntax error found will throw an exception. Fix and run again. When all the errors are fixed, the program will print "finished test." Now you can check-in your program into the code repository and know that it will not roll-over-and-die. It might not work, but it will not die!
I launch the IDLE program, open the file through File > Open. Then in the file edit window I do Run > Run Module. The output is printed in the IDLE shell window.
Update January 2017
A friend told me Pylint would catch some errors that compiling Python code would not catch. It turns out he was right. I was glad I used Pylint. I said earlier that it is hard to test Python modules that are part of complex systems. You could use the unittest unit testing framework from Python, which is patterned after JUnit for Java, but then you have to write the test code. It is nice to have the budget and schedule to write test code, but that happens rarely. When your code interacts with an external software system then you have to wait until you have access to the other system or must have a simulator for the other system. A decent simulator is important for expensive and complex systems, but the simulator should be provided by the company supplying the external system. The external system can be a networked hardware unit. Getting good interface documentation (command messages and response messages) from the company providing the networked hardware or software is vital. Remember that both the interface documentation and the simulator must be in the contract. The other company cannot be relied upon to supply these unless they are contractually obligated to supply them.